Tuesday, March 12, 2013

More Art!... And Levi.

I got home from work yesterday, and Daisy (the dog) decided she wanted to chill with Levi (my friend). She's a silly goose, but it made for a great picture! We ate popcorn and watched Bones afterwards. It was fun.

Now, here are a couple art projects I found while cleaning the storage room. They're pretty much just collecting dust until the Art Show on May 1st. I can't wait to take them home!

I did this for my ceramics class last semester. It's the best thing I did in clay. For the most part, I'm not very good at it... I think the celedon turned out beautifully, though. It was dubbed The Bird Pot ever since I realized that the shape was reminiscent of a bird. It was at that point that I decided to carve birds on it, and that birds would be my theme for the year. Anything I did that didn't have a bird in it has been mediocre at best, and it's not because I can only do birds. I did the cat in the next photo, and the face on my most recent project just fine. I don't get it, but what can you do?

I think oil pastel has to be my favorite medium. I love the texture and the consistency and the way it blends. The cat isn't actually that red, it just looks like it in the picture. It's actually much more orange.

My next project is Prismacolor! It runs a close second with oil pastel. My Prismacolor project turned out moderately well last semester, so I'm hoping for something stellar this semester.

If anyone has any suggestions on what I should draw for my next project, upload a picture. It has to have a lot of variations in color and tone, and it has to have a significant degree of difficulty. I'd love to see what you guys would have me do, though.

Song of the Day: Take On Me by Aha. Great song with a really catchy beat and an awesome music video! It also has one of my favorite lines in all of songs in it ("say after me, oh it's no better to be safe than sorry"). Also, one-hit wonders are the best.

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