Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Movie Review Website

I got the movie review website up! It's called The RoboKitty Reviews . It's still very much under construction, but it'll probably end up looking better than my blog. I hope so, anyway. So far Google Sites has given me nothing but hell.

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

New Website

We're finally starting to make design websites in my Web Design class. It's a little late in the year, but I'm not complaining. That means I might just get to do that movie review website I've been wanting to do for a while. If the domain is available, look for If that's not what it is, then I'll post what the domain name is as soon as I put it up. The first movie I'll do is The Croods. I saw it Sunday, and I have a lot to say about it.

I started playing Digimon Unlimited, which is a Digimon Pendulum similator for Android. I like it much better than V-Pet, and it is a ton of fun to play. The battle servers get a little bogged down with super strong Digimon. That's good, unless you just started. It's really hard to get good stats to begin with. It's also got Jogress. I haven't done Jogress successfully, so I'm not entirely sure what it does. Right now my Digimon is Akatorimon. It's a pretty fun Digimon, and he's strong. I honestly have no complaints about the game.

I pick and image for my Prismacolor project on Friday, so that will be coming soon. I'll do a day by day thing like I did for my color conte project, but I'll upload them as I do them, so it won't slam anyone's feed with my artwork.

My Robotics competition starts next Wednesday! The team is going to Arkansas for the FRC Regional. We still have some work to do before that happens, but I'm sure we will get it done on time.

I only have a couple months left as a high school student. It's a crazy thought, but it's also an exciting one. I was hoping I would be able to have the first decent summer I've had in a few years, but it doesn't look like that's going to happen. My foster mother decided she didn't like being a foster parent, and she is sending us away in early June. As long as I don't have to spend my third birthday in a row at the youth shelter, I think I'll be okay.

Song of the Day: Thrift Shop by Macklemore. I enjoy this song because it breaks away from the traditon of rap songs bragging about their awesome, expensive clothes. If you read into it, it's really about how we can look incredible in things from the thrift shop, and how it's the person under the clothes that really makes a difference. Of course, it still has the crudeness of most rap songs, but the message is quite a bit more down to earth. Not to mention it is super catchy.

Thursday, March 21, 2013

Your Daily Dose of Cute Kitty for Those That Don't Like Reddit

Actually, I'll still give you a cute kitty picture even if you like Reddit. I personally just find it redundant and a little pretentious. It's not very user-friendly either. If you like it, more power to you!

My cat decided to chill in the dog bed. She's so adorable! The dogs didn't seem to care too much, either.

Song of the Day: 99 Red Balloons by Nena. This was the foreign hit of the 80s like Gangnam Style is today. It's actually a great little song about the hysteria surrounding war, and most of all the tension of the Cold War. The song opens with you and Nena in toy shop. You guys buy a bag of balloons, blow them up, and release them into the sky. Well, the balloons show up on a military radar, and before seeing what was going on or making sure there was a legitimate threat, they level the city. That was how high the tensions ran and how eager that side was for an attack. They leveled the city over something as harmless as balloons. It's a good, thoughtful message. Oh, and it's heavily implied that you die in the end.

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Movies (Scary vs. Startling)

8-Mile is never a movie I could really get into. I think it's mostly because my little sister is the only person who ever has it playing, and she gets a little hostile while watching it. All I hear is "She's a whiny bitch," or "She's a whore." She does it every single time they come on screen. It's quite disturbing. Eminem seems to act well in it, though. It's got that to its credit. Its really hard to pull a good movie performance out of a rapper.

I also watched Sinister recently. It was a great movie, but it had its flaws. The parts with the Super 8 films were genius. The demon looked like he went to band practice with Kiss after he was finished eating children. It was not very intimidating at all. The only thing that made him remotely unpleasant was the f***ing orchestra sting every time he came on the damn screen. That was the flaw I mentioned earlier: jump scares used improperly.

Now, I would like to discuss a concept that Hollywood still hasn't seemed to grasp just yet. Here goes: startling is NOT the same thing as scary. Jump scares are not scary, and too many of them are immensely irritating. They are startling. Slasher flicks tend to rely almost solely on them, so I tend to avoid the genre altogether. With paranormal movies, it's hit and miss. Some of them only have a couple jump scares early on and rely on scary content and imagery after that. That's the good stuff. Those are the things that you'll remember for a really long time and will give you chills when you think about it a week later. I honestly wish there was a more scary things like that in cinema. To give credit to those who honestly try to make a good scary movie, it is really hard to do. It's a blend of atmosphere and timing and horror elements that really make the horror movie grand. When they are grand, that is. So, next time you're watching a movie of the horror genre, stop and ask yourself, "Is this scary, or is it startling or just gross?" If all you've done is jump, it's not that scary.

Friday, March 15, 2013


I was on a very short hiatus yesterday because I had to go to the E.R. to get an abscess taken care of. It was gross, and it kind of hurts still. I'm okay, though. Honestly, watching medical procedures has always fascinated me. I didn't get to watch this time because the abscess was in a place that I can't see, but I do usually love to watch that kind of thing.

I also have to watch when I'm getting stuck with a needle, but I feel sick whenever I see it happen to other people even if they are on television. It's pretty weird.

The guy from Neko the Kitty made me a logo from my blog, and it's absolutely wonderful! So, shout out to him!

This is what I do when I'm supposed to be doing my Trigonometry homework. Actually, this is ON my Trigonometry homework. I don't thenk there's anything in the world that can beat a cat in a tuxedo (or a robot cat). There were other doodles on the page, but none of note. Just a mix of Tristen from Yu-Gi-Oh and Boo from Mario, and a flower with a butterfly on it.

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

More Art!... And Levi.

I got home from work yesterday, and Daisy (the dog) decided she wanted to chill with Levi (my friend). She's a silly goose, but it made for a great picture! We ate popcorn and watched Bones afterwards. It was fun.

Now, here are a couple art projects I found while cleaning the storage room. They're pretty much just collecting dust until the Art Show on May 1st. I can't wait to take them home!

I did this for my ceramics class last semester. It's the best thing I did in clay. For the most part, I'm not very good at it... I think the celedon turned out beautifully, though. It was dubbed The Bird Pot ever since I realized that the shape was reminiscent of a bird. It was at that point that I decided to carve birds on it, and that birds would be my theme for the year. Anything I did that didn't have a bird in it has been mediocre at best, and it's not because I can only do birds. I did the cat in the next photo, and the face on my most recent project just fine. I don't get it, but what can you do?

I think oil pastel has to be my favorite medium. I love the texture and the consistency and the way it blends. The cat isn't actually that red, it just looks like it in the picture. It's actually much more orange.

My next project is Prismacolor! It runs a close second with oil pastel. My Prismacolor project turned out moderately well last semester, so I'm hoping for something stellar this semester.

If anyone has any suggestions on what I should draw for my next project, upload a picture. It has to have a lot of variations in color and tone, and it has to have a significant degree of difficulty. I'd love to see what you guys would have me do, though.

Song of the Day: Take On Me by Aha. Great song with a really catchy beat and an awesome music video! It also has one of my favorite lines in all of songs in it ("say after me, oh it's no better to be safe than sorry"). Also, one-hit wonders are the best.

Monday, March 11, 2013

Videos and Literature

In my web design class, my teacher had us make videos. We're watching everyone's videos in class today.

The people in my class are really talented video editors. No joke. Some of these amateur videos blew me away. It made my little sign language video seem awful, even though I still got applause. I wish I could put them on here...

We watched a video called Hacking Democrasy in my Government class. It was really interesting. It showed just how easy it is to hack into the devices that we vote on. And it is EASY. The people who test that stuff hacked it in ten seconds. We also watched a really cool one about North Korea. That one was mind-blowing. It was a great look into an unlimited government.

I'm currently reading Jane Eyre for my AP Literature class. It's a very insightful an well written novel, and I adore it thus far. I really enjoy the symbolism of Jane and the supernatural. It makes her different from her peers, but in a good way. She thinks for herself. That was very forward thinking for its time, considering she is a woman.

I really enjoy the Bildungsroman genre in general, really. I like that there is no main antagonist. It is, first and foremost, a story about life. Life doesn't have villains. At least not ones that are around your entire life. I think that's why I love Bambi so much. Well, the fact that the artwork is breathtaking helps a lot.

Sunday, March 10, 2013

Digimon VPet (Digimon vs. Pokemon)

On my breaks from rigorous scholarships, I've been playing the Digimon VPet app for Android (there might be one for iPhone too, but I don't think so). It's in its beta phase, so it has quite a few bugs and a limited amount of Digimon, but I've still been really enjoying it. It's kind of like if Pokemon and Tomagotchi had a baby. The battle interface is similar to Pokemon, but you take care of like you would a Tomagotchi.

As a fan of the show (it's one of my most dear bits of nostalgia), and someone who has the first have of Adventure 1 on DVD, I am enjoying this app so very much. Personally, I like Digimon anime quite a bit better than Pokemon anime. Please, put your tomatoes away.

I just always thought Digimon was a great battle versus good and evil instead of glorified cock fights. It was rich in character development and the creatures and premise were much more interesting in Digimon. It's really a shame Pokemon became so much more popular. Of course, the PokePremise lent itself much better to a longer run time. Eventually, the DigiDestined would have to defeat the evil and there would be no other reason to stay there without it being dumb. In Pokemon, they can just move to another region and start all over again, and it would make sense in the world they created (sort of).

Plus, OMGPATAMONISSOCUTE!!! Now that I'm done fangirl-ing...

Many people think that Digimon is just a rip off of Pokemon. If you've ever watched both series, you'll know that's a bunch of bologna. Both were made to sell merchandise, both were made in Japan, and both have cute critters. That's where the similarities end. Even the world they are set in is different. Pokemon is set in a world entirely separate from our own in every way, and the Digital World runs parallel to ours in the show.

Don't get me wrong, I love Pokemon. It's up there in my favorite bits of nostalgia. I think the Pokemon games are better, but I just happen to like Digimon a lot more.

Scholarships Scholarships Scholarships

Apparently, scholarships don't run on Beetlejuice logic. :/ They suck, but I'm sure it'll be worth it in the end.

For a couple of the scholarships, I need a recommendation letter from a club sponsor. My only club sponsor is currently recovering from the surgery to have his knee replaced. I'm wishing him a nice, full recovery.

I think the recommendation letters are my favorite part of scholarships. People say nice things about you, and you feel all warm and fuzzy inside. It's pretty nice.

Song of the Day: Chasing Cars by Snow Patrol. It's one of those somewhat mellow, cute songs that have a great beat. It's honestly among my favorite love songs. I'm usually not a big fan of love songs, but I'd definitely recommend this one.

Saturday, March 9, 2013

I've Gotten a Lot Done This Week

This week has been a long and eventful week for me, but I got a lot done.

I did a sign language video for my Web Design class. Oddly enough, we haven't designed a single web page in that class. We mostly just work in Photoshop or make videos while the teacher who doesn't know the difference between Japan and North Korea teaches us about life. I dedicated it to the deaf/mute people who need the language to communicate. I had something wrapped around my mouth for a healthy dose of symbolism. It was a pretty cool video on the whole.

I started a blog, but you already knew that. I'm trying to get the guy who does Neko the Kitty to make me a logo for my blog. It's my favorite web comic and it'd be the coolest thing ever!

I finished my Drawing 3 project.

I'm orchestrating a group movie with my movie buddies. I'm thinking about starting a movie review blog. I think it would be fun.

I painted approximately half the feathers for the arch I'm building in Robotics. It'll end up looking like a headdress because that's our school's logo.

As for tomorrow: nothing but scholarships for this kid! I've got to pay for college somehow. Hopefully, I'll get quite a bit from my FAFSA for being in foster care.

I also ordered my prom dress, got my first paycheck, got all of my fees from the school waived, and opened a bank account. All four are marvelous things!

Song of the Day: Semi-Charmed Life by Third Eye Blind. It's a pretty cool little song by a band that I believe was a one hit wonder. It has a really catchy beat, though you can't always hear the words too well. The chorus will take up residence in your head and it won't pay rent and it will not leave! Fair warning.

Now I believe it is time to go to bed. Goodnight, sweet people of the Internet!

Color Conte Project- Day 8

This is the final product. I finished it yesterday, and I love the way it turned out. I like the soft, ethereal background. It's there, but it's not intrusive or distracting. The hand looks a little better on this day. This is one of the few projects I've been able to spray the fixative on the picture with little to no regrets. Color conte is definitely not my favorite medium, but I did really enjoy working with it. I think I'll be doing ink wash next, and I just might take pictures of that project, too.

Color Conte Project- Day 7

Second to last day of my project. The hand gave me quite a bit of hell, and it shows. The feet of the bird, on the other hand, I am quite proud of. Actually, I'm just really proud of that bird as a whole. I fixed the nostril and added just a bit more details to the hair feathers.

Color Conte Project- Day 6

I made tremendous progress on the bird (which would later be regarded by everyone in my class as the best part of my project). Looking back, the shading on his wing looks a little funky on this day...

Color Conte Project- Day 5

I finished the hair feathers and started the bird. He looks kind of cool for being only a head. I like the contrast in his feathers.

Color Conte Project- Day 4

She looks slightly less goth on this day, and the hair feathers are starting to look quite nice. I'm pretty sure I'll never love the color green again, though. :/

Color Conte Project- Day 3

This day, I started putting in more dynamic skin tones, and I started on the hair feathers. She looks pretty goth at this point because I hadn't put in the lips and there is just one strip of color in the hair.

Color Conte Project- Day 2

This day, I started putting in the skin tines in the face. They are pretty flat at this phase, and I still had a ton of work to do. At least now you can tell the difference between the top feather lashes and the eyebrow.

Color Conte Project- Day 1

This is from the first day I started to color in the project. I always like to start with the eyes because they are one of the most colorful and expressive parts of a face.

Color Conte Project

For my high school Drawing class, I decided that everyday after I was done with my project for the day, I would take a picture of it. I thought it would be neat to see the progression of the work as the week and a half I worked on it went on.

So, I will share with you all the color conte project I finished yesterday, but worked on for approximately eight days.

Now, since this is a high school art class, I had to find an image on the Internet or somewhere to copy from.

Here is the original image:

Knowledge and Ignorance

There's something that has been bothering me for a while...

Why are people ignorant?

I have a teacher who said yesterday, "The North Koreans bombed Pearl Harbor because they were helping the Nazis in WWI." There is nothing correct about that sentences about one of the best known wars America has fought, and that man is supposed to be educating us. I know he's had way more education than I have, and he didn't know that the Japanese bombing Pearl Harbor is what prompted America to enter WWII.

More important question: Why are people OKAY with being ignorant?

I see all these people with just as much access to the world's knowledge as I do, but instead of just looking something up to find an answer to their question, they are content to just not know. I don't understand how people can be okay with ignorance in a world full of beautiful puzzles and wonderful facts.

Perhaps they think it's unimportant?

But every bit of knowledge is important. People think I'm super smart, but really it's only because I took the time to look something up or watch a documentary on something to find some answers at one point. Usually, you don't need something just once in your life. If you are the only one in the room with knowledge on a subject, you are the intelligent one by default.